Friday, October 9, 2009

State will pass most of the buck to Cities/Towns

State budget gap could grow from bad to worse - Milford, MA - The Milford Daily News

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The more open about it they are the more of a guarantee it is...

Elected officials always down-play bad news.
  • If they say "its not an option right now"...that means its possible.
  • If they say "its possible"...its probable.
  • If they say "its likely"...its definite!

State Rep. John Fernandes, D-Milford, said current-year budget cuts are inevitable, and warns communities to take care on discretionary spending.

"Local officials need to be cautious in budgeting, and how they handle their financing, because there is so little funding," said Fernandes.

State officials are admitting there is no more rainy day funs or federal stimulus money. They are saying that local aid cuts are likely, so they're definite. Oh, the state says they'll make cuts too.

I'm sure it will be the same across the board, non-targeted, degree of cuts that will only ensure higher inefficiencies (see RMV wait times). What needs to be done are specific reductions that improve the efficiency in state government. There also needs to be a review of the purpose and necessity for all state agencies. Those that are no longer needed or are unsuccessful should be eliminated.

We don't need all state employees to share equally, we need the state beuracracy to be steam-lined.

Until this happens, local governments should not be left holding the bag.

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